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Demographic questions

For most experiments, it is necessary to collect demographic information on your participants. This can easily be done within the experiment by adding these questions as specific trials. This part of the manual offers a variety of example questions that you can ask to your participants.


  • Whenever you deal with personal information, you need to make sure that you comply with privacy legislation, see Privacy.
  • Only ask for personal information that is necessary for your research and avoid collecting special personal data such as information about health, ethnic origin, political opinions etc.
  • If you need take the participant’s age into account, always ask for age rather than birthdate.
  • Furthermore, you should make sure that the participants’ identities cannot be derived from their answers to the user questions.


Below are some examples that can be used in your experiments. You can copy them or edit them yourself to construct new (types of) questions.

experiment {
    trial {
        stimulus {
            text = "Please enter your age."
        response {
            textfield {
                placeholder = "Age"
experiment {
    trial {
        stimulus {
            text = "Are you right- or lefthanded?"
        response {
            choice {
                options = ["righthanded", "lefthanded"]
                type = RADIO
experiment {
    trial {
        stimulus {
            text = "What is your native language?"
        response {
            textfield {
                placeholder = "language"
experiment {
    trial {
        stimulus {
            text = "What is your gender?"
        response {
            choice {
                options = ["Male", "Female", "Non-binary", "Other", "Prefer not to answer"]
                type = RADIO
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