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Request Results

Once all of your participants have completed the experiment, you are going to want to download the results. In order to do so, go to the 'Results' link and use the dropdown to request the results for your experiment. Alternatively, use the 'Request Results' button in the experiment list or summary display.

Results page

Results page

Immediately, ROLEG goes to collect your results securely. This may take some time, depending on the size of your results. Once ROLEG finished collecting your results, you will be informed by email automatically. Using the download link in this email, or the download link now displayed in the Results page, you can download your results.

Download format

The download format is a ZIP containing among others a CSV file using a pipe character "|" as delimiter. You can read the CSV file with a statistical analysis program. For R, you can use the following command.

For DSL version 2, the results CSV has different columns and use a whitespace as delimiter instead.

experiment_data <- read.csv("path/to/example_experiment.csv", row.names=NULL, sep="|")

If your experiments made use of audio recording, then the downloaded ZIP file will also contain a folder with the audio files, referenced from the CSV file. Remember that the results of the first few participants may be from your own test runs of the experiment. You should remove these lines before analysis.


Your results are available for download for 72 hours following the request date. If you have not downloaded the results within this time, you must request them again.

Result columns

Your CSV file will include the following columns with rows specified per trial. Note that a selfpacedreading block generates multiple trials, one per stimulus.


If you have created your experiment before July 2022, the column selectedOptions will consist of the selected option labels, instead of their identifier.

Would you like to request more results to be logged than present in this list? Send us an email at

Name Type Description
subject String Identifier of the participant, can be used for grouping
isRecidivist Boolean Whether or not the participant has done the experiment before. Only applies to logged-in users.
isAnonymous Boolean Whether the participant was a logged in ROLEG user or not
trialId String Identifier of the trial block
trialDescription Optional String Description of the trial block
timeReceived Date Date when the result was received in UTC time
startTime Date Date when the trial started in UTC time
endTime Date Date when the trial ended in UTC time
duration Integer The duration of the trial in milliseconds
includeFile Optional String Include file as origin of trial definition
experimentTrigger String Identifier for the cause of the trial ending
numberSubmissionErrors Integer Number of times the trial results failed to be submitted to ROLEG, see internet connectivity
selectedOptions Optional list of Strings Identifier(s) of the selected options from choice block
keyPressed Optional String Identifier for key pressed from keyboard block
sliderValue Optional Float Value of slider from slider block, expressed as step index or percentage between 0 and 100 for continuous range.
textInput Optional String Value of text entered from textfield block
mediaFilenames Optional list of Strings Filenames of media presented in trial
numberMediaPlays Optional Integer Number of times media was played in trial
numberSpeechRecordings Optional Integer Number of times speech was recorded in trial
attachedAudio Optional String Filename of included speech audio file, if any
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