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Lexical Decision Block

A lexical decision task presents the participant with text or media, to which the participant can respond. The parameters of the lexicaldecision block consist of sub-blocks, as summarized below.

String that identifies this block in later analysis of results.
Optional, but should be included to force the participant to a decision.
decision sub-block that shows a text, image or sound fragment, followed by a range of possible answers. The answer that is given by the participant will be saved.
intro sub-block that shows an introduction text.
priming sub-block that shows text, an image or a sound fragment for a specified time.
pause sub-block that introduces a pause between two slides.
target sub-block that functions similarly to the priming element.
font that specifies the font used for the current block.

Example usage

lexicaldecision {
    intro {
        display = "You will see two short texts. If they are the same, choose yes. Otherwise, choose no. "
        showtime = 10
    priming {
        display = "This is a sentence."
        showtime = 3
    pause {
        showtime = 1.5
    target {
        display = "This is another sentence."
        showtime = 3
    pause {
        showtime = 1.5
    decision {
        showtime = 10
        display = "Were the sentences the same?"
        advancekeys = "12"
        response = ["1. Yes", "2. No"]
        correct_response = "1"


String that specifies the text to be displayed.
Conditionally required, a decision sub-block must always specify either advancekeys, showtime or options to avoid being unable to continue with the experiment.
String that specifies which keys can be used to make a choice and continue the experiment.
Example: advancekeys = "12" specifies that both the '1' and '2' key can be used to answer.
Conditionally required, a decision sub-block must always specify either advancekeys, showtime or options to avoid being unable to continue with the experiment.
Float that indicates the maximum number of seconds the experiment waits for an answer before continuing, regardless of whether an answer has been given. Alternatively, if the sound element is specified, this element may be defined as Keyword "sound". In this case, the experiment will automatically continue to the next slide when the audio fragment finishes.
Conditionally required, a decision sub-block must always specify either advancekeys, showtime or options to avoid being unable to continue with the experiment.
List of Strings that specify responses in the form of options that the participant can select from.
Example: options = ["Tonal", "Atonal", "Unsure"].
Optional, defaults to "radio".
Keyword that specifies the presentation type of either "radio" for radio buttons or "checkbox" for checkboxes. Radio buttons are limited to a maximal selection of one option, while checkboxes are not.
Optional, defaults to "vertical".
Keyword that specifies the option layout as either "vertical" or "horizontal" for the response options. The horizontal layout can be used to present the options as a phrase itself.
Integer or list of Integers that specifies after how many options a vertical break should be introduced. If a single integer n is specified, after each n words, a vertical break is introduced. If a list of integers is specified, a vertical break is introduced after the specified amounts of words. This parameter only takes effect if the option layout is specified as "horizontal".
Optional, defaults to false. Only takes effect when options is specified.
Boolean that specifies whether at least one option must be selected (either for radio buttons or checkboxes.)
Example: response_required = true.
Optional. If specified, video or sound should not be specified.
String that specifies the filename of the image file as included in the experiment package that should be displayed. ROLEG supports .png, .gif and .jpg image files.
Example: image = "apple.png".
Optional. If specified, image or sound should not be specified.
String that specifies the filename of the video as included in the experiment package that should be displayed. ROLEG supports .mp4 video files.
Optional. If specified, image or video should not be specified.
String that specifies the filename of the sound file as included in the experiment package that should be played. ROLEG supports .wav and .mp3 audio files.
Optional, defaults to "Volgende".
String that specifies the text of the continue-button shown underneath the radio buttons declared by th options element. Only takes effect if the options element is specified.
Optional. Can be used to inform participant of the advance keys specified in advancekeys.
List of Strings informative of the response options.
Example: response = ["1. Yes", "2. No"].
String that specifies which advance keys indicate the correct response. This should be a subset of the value of advancekeys. Alternatively, if the options element is specified, this element may be a String that is identical to the correct response, an element of the value of options.
font that specifies the font used for the current block.


The slider and audio replay limit parameters described below are not yet available in every lexicaldecision specification. At the moment, you can only use the slider in a decision that specifies sound but does not specify options. If you want to include a slider without sound, as a temporary workaround you can specify sound to an audio file with silence. If you want to include a slider with options or have another request, please let us know at
We are working hard to restructure the building blocks of ROLEG's DSL to provide a more seamless experience with more control over the experiment presentation. Once this is finished, the slider presentation and audio replay limit will become available in more settings.

Optional. This parameter can only be specified when sound is specified and options is not.
Int that specifies the number of steps the slider uses, including 0. This value must be 2 or above. For a continuous experience, you can set this parameter to 1000. If specified, a slider is presented to the participant until either the participant presses a key specified by advancekeys or the time specified in showtime runs out.
List of exactly two Strings that specify the text presented left and right of the slider.

Example: slider_text = ["Totally disagree", "Totally agree"].

Optional, defaults to false.
Boolean that specifies whether the current slider value is shown beneath the slider, as a value between 0 (left) and 100 (right). Any value will be limited to two decimal places maximally, although the precise value will be accessible in your results.
Optional, defaults to 0. This parameter can only be specified when sound is specified and options is not.
Integer that specifies the number of times the audio can be repeated after finishing. If the participant can (still) repeat the audio, a button to do so will show up after audio presentation with a repeat icon. This parameter may be set to -1 to allow an infinite number of repetitions. The amount of repetitions used will be collected in your results. Example: replay_limit = 2.


The functionality of an intro sub-block is almost the same as a decision sub-block, but no possible answers are shown. It differs from an info block in how to proceed to the next slide. With an info block the participant has to press a button with the mouse to continue, whereas in the intro sub-block, a keyboard response is used.

The intro sub-block accepts the display, advancekeys, showtime and font elements. Their specification is equal to that in the decision sub-block.


The pause sub-block introduces a pause in the experiment. This sub-block accepts a single parameter.

Float that indicates the number of seconds the experiment waits before continuing.


The functionality of the priming and target sub-blocks are the same. Both sub-blocks show text or media for a specified amount of time.

The priming and target sub-blocks accept the display, advancekeys, showtime, image, sound, video and font elements. Their specification is equal to that in the decision sub-block.

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