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Dictation Block

A dictation block defines slides for a dictation experiment. A sound fragment can be played, in which the participant types in the text field what he or she hears. Alternatively, a picture or video can be shown, in which the participant gives a description of the picture or video in the text field. In the case of an audio fragment or a video, the participant has the option to play the fragment several times. The parameters of the dictation block are summarized below.

String that identifies this block in later analysis of results.
Conditionally required, exactly one of soundfiles, imagefiles and videofiles should be specified.
List of Strings that specifies the filenames of the sound fragments included in the experiment package that should be played in the specified order. ROLEG supports .wav and .mp3 audio files.
Conditionally required, exactly one of soundfiles, imagefiles and videofiles should be specified.
List of Strings that specifies the filenames of the image files as included in the experiment package that should be displayed in the specified order. ROLEG supports .png, .gif and .jpg image files.
Example: imagefiles = ["apple.png"].
Optional, defaults to "Vul de zin in die je hoort:". String that specifies the text shown above the answer text field.
Optional, defaults to "Herhaal de zin".
String Specifies the text shown on the repeat button for sound and video fragments. If imagefiles is specified, this parameter takes no effect as no repeat button will be shown.
Optional, defaults to "Volgende".
String that specifies the text shown on the continue-button.
Optional, defaults to "LET OP: Je moet meer gegevens invullen.". String that specifies the text shown when the participant clicks on the continue-button without having filled in an answer.
Float that indicates the maximum number of seconds the experiment waits for an answer before continuing, regardless of whether an answer has been given.
font that specifies the font used for the current block.

Example usage

The code below illustrates how the dictation block might be used.

experiment {
    dictation {
        validationerror_text = "Please fill in more information."
        soundfiles = ["ongZin1.wav", "ongZin2.wav", "ongZin3.wav", "ongZin4.wav", "ongZin5.wav",
            "ongZin6.wav", "ongZin7.wav", "ongZin8.wav", "ongZin9.wav", "ongZin10.wav",
    dictation {
        fill_in_text = "Donnez la transcription orthographique des phrases que vous entendez:"
        repeat_text =  "Répétez la phrase"
        continue_text = "Suivant"
        showtime = 60
        soundfiles = ["zin1.wav"]        
    dictation {
        fill_in_text = "Please describe the presented picture:"
        continue_text = "Next"
        showtime = 200
        imagefiles = ["appel.jpg", "aarbei.jpg"]         

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